Welcome to Gateway, where every question leads to new possibilities and every connection brings us closer to understanding your needs. If you're looking for comprehensive and compassionate programs for adults with developmental/intellectual disabilities and mental illnesses, you've come to the right place. Our specialized day programs, group activities, and tailored support services are designed to foster independence, enhance skills, and enrich lives. Whether you're seeking information, guidance, or wish to join our vibrant community, our team is ready to assist you.
Contact Us
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Contact us today to explore the array of opportunities we offer and take the first step towards empowerment and growth. Your journey towards a fulfilling and engaged life starts here, at Gateway.
Metro Group Day Habilitation
4500 Furman Avenue, Bronx NY 10470
Tel: (718) 352-5021
Queens Group Day Habilitation
175-41 Liberty Avenue, Jamaica NY 11433
Tel: (718) 217-0444
Brooklyn Group Day Habilitation
25 Chapel Street, Suite 1204, Brooklyn NY 11201
Tel: (718) 885-2149
OMH Continuing Day Treatment Program
735 East 239th Street, Bronx NY 10466
Tel: (718) 352-5021