At Gateway, we're more than just an organization; we're a community dedicated to enriching the lives of individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities and mental illnesses. Our story is one of passion, commitment, and a deep-seated belief in the potential of every individual we serve. Our dedicated and multilingual staff works tirelessly to create personalized experiences that foster independence, social interaction, and lifelong learning.
About Gateway
About Gateway
Serving those with intellectual disabilities and mental illnesses for over 30 years, our goal is to assist individuals in becoming more independent through community participation and socialization. Gateway is fully committed to individualized support.
Individualized Care
Gateway is fully dedicated to supporting our individuals. Our staff are trained to provide unique services based on the goals identified by the individual to achieve meaningful success in all areas of daily living.
Skill Development
Since our services are designed based on the goals identified by each individual, our approach engages participants in our programs to not only develop skills they need for greater independence but also meet their goals in a manner that is fun, exciting and enthusiastic.

We Care About You!
We Care About You!
Our Mission
Gateway's mission is to expand the world of possibilities for individuals with developmental disabilities and mental illness. We help individuals enrich their overall quality of life by providing an environment in which individuals can focus on personal goals, feel comfortable, and have fun amongst peers.
Why Choose Us
Our services are provided to each individual uniquely based on their needs. We utilize technology to make our programs most effective and fun for everyone, with consideration to sensory preferences, mobility and telehealth, as well.
Those attending Group Day Habilitation/Supplemental Group Day Habilitation with Gateway receive free transportation to and from our programs for both site-based and Without Walls programs. Gateway also provides free meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner with snacks in between.
Site-based services take place in our facilities where we provide daily activities based on individuals’ interests. In our Without Walls program, Individuals are taken into the community on field trips to do fun activities that incorporate their goals.
Promoting self reliance is important at Gateway. Services and activities may focus on cleanliness and hygiene, cooking, peer socializing and recreational skills.
Services may also assist with travel trianing by providing assistance with essential skills to read schedules, pay fares, make transfers and make judgements about safety.